Oregon Computer Science Teachers Association

Our History: Who we Are The Oregon Computer Science Teachers Association (OregonCSTA) is an organization of teachers training teachers in Oregon since 1984. Our main focus is professional development in the areas of computer science and engineering education for K-12 educators and extended program volunteers.

The Need that no one else fills in CS and Engineering K-12 Teachers want to meet similar teachers and learn how they make their classrooms successful teaching CS and Engineering curriculum.  We bring together K-12 for the entire state and cross beyond the school district lines.

Our Mission and Vision: What we do and Why we do it The mission of OregonCSTA is to increase the number of Computer Science and engineering programs in Oregon in order to give our students the opportunities for a work and college ready diploma upon graduation.  This lofty goal requires partnerships with all who share this mission.  The high-tech industry currently reports that there are a plethora of high-paying jobs available to Oregonians, yet only 50% of high schools offer a computer science program to prepare Oregon students to meet this demand.  In order to meet industry expectations, funding resources from industry and government are critical.

Our Programs: How we do it Our flagship program is SuperQuest, a highly collaborative technology training series designed specifically for K–12 teachers. Our goal is to empower educators with the skills and classroom tools to build hands-on technology learning directly into their classrooms or after school activities. Concepts covered during a SuperQuest workshop include three general tracks: Pedagogy, Programming and Physical Computing. We direct this curriculum for educators teaching K-6, middle school and high school and offer beginner, intermediate and advanced options.  SuperQuest is unique from other professional development opportunities because...

We don’t just bring you technology for the sake of technology. We focus on technology curriculum that is current and relevant to the changing needs and landscape of the K-12 educator. 

  • We don’t hire technology “experts” who haven’t stepped foot in a classroom since they were students. Our instructors are current and experienced educators who have successfully taught our coursework to K-12 students.

  • Our instructors are not just talking heads. We encourage hands-on interaction and in-class discussion about teaching methods, pedagogy, appropriate curriculum materials and classroom management.

  • The learning doesn’t end when your workshop is over. We understand that often the best learning comes from collaboration.  We enhance our training by providing opportunities outside the classroom to share best practices and collaborate with other educators.

Additional Professional Development opportunities are offered annually at our Fall and Spring Conferences.

How to become involved:

  1. Make a donation. It costs money to offer statewide professional development.

  2. Join us at a SuperQuest, Fall, or Spring Conference.

  3. Contact us at oregoncsta1@gmail.com