TechStart Announces 2022 Technology Teacher of the Year Awards

TechStart is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Technology Teacher of the Year Awards.


2022 K-6 Technology Teacher of the Year

Rick Bush
Stoller Middle School

Rick Bush has taught math, science, creative technology, and computer science at the elementary and middle school levels for more than 15 years. He has been innovative and flexible in bringing computer science to students through the use of micro:bit,, Lego robotics, Vernier physical science coding, and other resources. He has strived to promote equity and access in learning with a special focus on supporting Latina students. Mr. Bush co-founded ScratchEd PDX, a free computer science professional development teacher meetup that has hosted more than 400 teachers for computer science learning since 2016.


2022 High School Technology Teacher of the Year (co-winner)

Jason Galbraith
Sunset High School

Nominated by a student for the award, computer science teacher Jason Galbraith is being recognized for his dedication to the education and well-being of his students. He works to make students of color welcome and to bring more women into Sunset High’s computer science program. Mr. Galbraith has taught a wide range of classes, including 3D modeling, video game creation, web design, robotics, Java programming, C++ programming, and data structures. Many of these classes are dual-credit with Portland State University and Portland Community College. He also coaches video game teams, mentors robotics teams, and runs after-school clubs and a girls-only technology camp.


2022 High School Technology Teacher of the Year (co-winner)

Gregory Scott
Forest Grove High School

A math and computer science teacher, Greg Scott has long been dedicated to making computer science education accessible and equitable. He was part of the first cohort in Oregon to participate in Exploring Computer Science, a year-long, research-based, high school intro-level computer science curriculum and teacher professional development program that focuses on broadening participation in computing. Mr. Scott has coached several teams participating in the Oregon Game Project Challenge. Mid-career, he took the initiative to learn Spanish to reduce language barriers for his students and to provide a classroom that recognizes and celebrates the first language of many of his students.


2022 Rising Star Technology Teacher of the Year Award

TJ Wilson
Willamina Middle and High School

A career and technical education (CTE) teacher, TJ Wilson infuses technology into automotive, construction, welding, and manufacturing classes. He is dedicated to the idea that to prepare students for high-wage jobs in these fields, they need to learn how to use applicable technology. To be a strong educator, Mr. Wilson is committed to expanding his own knowledge and expertise, participating in training, learning to code, and researching technologies used in various fields. His students learn to use software to design products and operate a range of equipment, such as a CNC laser, CNC mill, CNC press brake, CNC router, and 3D printers. His students use technology to bring together creativity, technology, and production in the school’s CTE shop.


Congratulations to Our Winners!

TechStart also wants to thank all of our nominees, judges, and contributors to our 2022 Technology Educator of the Year Awards.

We’ll be back in 2023 to recognize another cohort of technology educators in Oregon.



We seek donations from technology businesses, technology professionals, and Oregonians at large to support programs that promote and recognize computer science education in Oregon, including our Technology Educator of the Year Awards. TechStart is an Oregon-based 501(c)3 non-profit run by an all-volunteer team.